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Online classes

While we are, like most other yoga/fitness studios, a for-profit business, we have decided to try something a little different during this difficult time. We are approaching this as a "we support you and we believe we will, in turn, be supported." This means, no one is turned away for not being able to pay. Yoga is more necessary than ever, especially for those who can't figure out how to pay their bills. Therefore, all of the classes we offer below are a love offering. However, if you are in a financial position to support us back, we hope you will consider your own love offering in return. Either way, we are here for you. 


The New Age Family


Music for Class

The majority of classes (all of Tammi's classes) will be taught without music. However, I've found a pretty cool way to fix this! Instead of us all listening to the same music, I'm providing you with choices of music that match your current mood! I will be adding additional lists in the near future, especially additional ones for cardio/strength. But here are a couple universally great yoga music playlists to get your started. 

Peaceful Background: A steady flow from one song to the next. This serves more as peaceful background music that you almost forget is playing.

Yoga Beats: With more downtempo beats, this playlist will definitely not be background music but can, instead, define the tone of your practice, often putting you in a more trance-like state of mind.



Props for Class

Yoga Class: Sometimes props like blocks and bolsters can help immensely with your practice. However, you can find lots of household items that work well. Instead of blocks, you can use large books, pots placed upside down, folding chairs or stools or anything else that is stable and raises you up to a level that is suitable for your needs. Bolster substitutes can include couch cushions, thick, dense bed pillows or a densely rolled up blanket. Straps are an easy fix, simply use a scarf or belt. However, if you decide you would like to purchase your own props, please consider supporting New Age by purchasing one of the recommended products through our affiliate links:



TOPLUS 1/4 in Ecofriendly Nonslip Mat

Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat Fitness w/ Strap (Good for cranky knees)

Manduka PRO Premium 6mm Yoga Mat (the Cadillac of yoga mats!)



AmazonBasics Foam Yoga Blocks (Set of 2)

Manduka Prem High Density Cork Yoga Block 4-in



Ajna Yoga Rectangular Bolster

YogaAccessories Round Cotton Bolster



BalanceFrom GoYoga 7-Piece Set 

Gaiam Essentials Yoga Mat Set for Beginners

Premium Yoga Blocks & Metal D Ring Strap Yogi Set (3PC)


Strength Classes: We will be using some hand weights in these classes. If you don't have any you can find items around the house such as canned goods, milk jugs (filled to a point that makes them challenging for you), paint cans, bags of rice or beans, books, ankle weights or look around your house and be creative! This doesn't have to be perfect. If you would like to purchase actual hand weights, please consider supporting New Age by ordering them through our affiliate link, here



Class Payment Options

If you find these services valuable and are in a position where you are able to pay our usual monthly payment (or perhaps a one-time "per class" payment of $5 offered beneath each schedule class) you will be helping to support us during this time when our studio doors are closed. Not only will you be supporting New Age but also helping to bring these services to others who are not in a position to pay right now...people who probably need it the most right now! We will get through this together.




There will be no live class today in observance of the holiday! But be sure to CHECK OUT THIS INTERVAL STRENGTH WORKOUT!


And check back on our regular schedule page here later today to see our brand new class format beginning September 8th!

10:00-11:00am Live Stream of In-Studio Yoga Class
Tune in to Tammi's live in-studio yoga class each week!


12:00-12:30pm Mid-Week Wildcard!
Each week an instructor will bring you a different form of exercise that will help round out your weekly schedule of workouts. The goal will be to choose a workout that compliments your other two weekly workouts. This class will usually be live but may sometimes be recorded ahead of time as there will be occasional scheduling conflicts.


Log on and be surprised each week as we keep it fresh and keep you and your muscles guessing! 




LIVE! at 10:00-10:45am

Strength w/ Tammi

There will be some weights sprinkled into this workout but mainly body weight stuff. If you don't have hand weights, consider some of the alternatives outlined at the top of the page. If you can't find anything, don't worry, just march in place or hold a plank until the next exercise. We are just making sure we do enough to keep us nice and strong til we get back into the studio again!


All of our (successfully) recorded videos are now on our YouTube Channel!

You can check them out here.

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New Age Fitness

920 Malcolm Blvd

Rutherford College, NC

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