Personal Training Plans
In the theme of our refusal to adhere to the "one size fits all" mentality of the fitness world, we offer two different Personal Training Plans so that you're sure to find something that fits your lifestyle, your needs and your budget.
Lifestyle Training: This package is designed for someone who is looking for a trainer to offer them long-term support with their exercise, nutrition and behavior. With this option, you have a predesignated time slot/slots each week. This is ideal for someone who is looking for the weekly commitment of showing up and being held accountable. In signing up for this program, you are committing to a monthly subscription of services at a reduced, bulk rate. You are committing to pay for this time slot to be set aside just for you. This price reflects the fact that you may not always be able to make every time slot. With this option, you have the "use it or lose it" incentive to show up for your sessions but we offer a dramatically reduced rate because, with this subscription, you are helping to ensure that our doors stay open and our lights stay on, even when clients can't always make it.
Short-Term Flexible Training: This package is designed for someone who is looking for a trainer to offer them short-term guidance in exercise and nutrition, with the goal of continuing with the Weight Loss Support Program or with their own program at home after a short period of time.
This option provides the flexibility of using your sessions any time after purchasing within a six month period.
Lifestyle Training
One to three specific time blocks each week that are reserved for you with a trainer for one-on-one sessions. Each session will last for approximately 35-45 minutes.
Customized App that will include additional workouts, specific goals you will set with your trainer as well as other features to allow us to give you a more comprehensive training program.
Unlimited messaging support from your trainer (please allow up to 48 hours for responses).
Regular InBody Scans to track your progress.
Unlimited access to group fitness classes for 2 and 3 time per week clients or only $20 more a month for 1 time per week clients.
Follow this link for options to request more information. We can schedule a time for you to come in for a free consultation!
Short-Term Flexible Training
45 minute training session that can be used for exercise, Health Coaching support and/or at-home program design
Flexibility in scheduling sessions as you need them.
Lifestyle Training: 1xWeek PT Services
197$Every monthOne 45-minute Personal Training Session per WeekÂ- One 45-minute Personal Training Session per Week
Lifestyle Training: 2xWeek PT Services
357$Every monthTwo 45-minute Personal Training Sessions per WeekÂ- Two 45-minute Personal Training Sessions per Week
Lifestyle Training: 3xWeek PT Services
527$Every monthThree 45-minute Personal Training Sessions per WeekÂ- Three 45-minute Personal Training Sessions per Week
Short Term: Single Session
60$ÂÂShort Term: 10 Single Sessions
560$ÂÂPrivate Yoga Session
65$Â1 Hour Private Yoga SessionÂ
What Our Clients Say